Thursday, January 7, 2010

Don't Let OC Transpo Leave You Out In The Cold!!

Ottawa's OC Transpo has always provided poor service, but since the 2008-2009 Transit strike, service has never been worse, and there seems no sign of it improving.

The responsibility lies at more than OC Transpo's door, but also at the feet of City Hall and the Mayor's office.

With just a few steps, you can help get OC Transpo and City Hall working for us.

The most important thing you can do is document your transit problems, and post your complaints to OC Transpo AND to Ottawa City Hall. Complaining to OC Transpo isn’t enough. Your City Councillor needs to hear about your trouble, because OC Transpo answers to City Hall.

Just keep a pen and paper handy if you plan to travel by bus, and write down the bus, bus number, stop number, time and date if you can, and send your complaints to OC Transpo, your City Councillor, and the Mayor's Office.

Spread the word to others, and keep up the pressure on a weekly basis. If enough people complain, City Hall and OC Transpo will be forced to fix the problem.

Don't be fooled into thinking you can't make a difference, stand up for your rights, and make your views heard where they will count the most. Remember, it’s a voting year, and it’s time to see who is on our side!

See the sidebar on the right to find the link to OC Transpo Complaints, and to find your City Councillor.


•You have the right to expect the bus to show up when the schedule says it will.

•You have a right to have the bus stop when you signal the driver.

•You have a right to expect your bus to meet connections, should you need to take more than one bus on your trip.

•You have a right to courteous service.

•You have the right to expect a reasonable price for tickets and passes.

•You have a right to a seat, especially if you have some form of impairment or difficulty standing on a moving vehicle.